Monday, March 30, 2015

Street Style Blogs

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collage13 The Best Street Style Blogs: 25 Inspiring Sites to Bookmark Now

It’s pretty clear that the phenomenon of street style is here to stay. Just one quick pass in front of Lincoln Center during New York Fashion Week, and you’ll witnesses hoardes of preening style-setters getting snapped by international photographers.
Not that we’re complaining: Trolling gazillions of street style blogs to check out on-the-go style of models, editors, stylists and other It-personalities has become something of a hobby, cultivated on a daily basis.
For the uninitiated (or street style-curious) out there, we’ve pulled together a guide (in no particular order) to 25 of the best street style blogs to bookmark (and visit daily) from established sites like The Sartorialist and Street Pepper, to lesser-known but equally inspiring blogs from around the world.

1. The Sartorialist

The blog that started it all, Scott Schuman’s wildly popular site launched in 2005 and has been steadily growing since then. Schuman—who was lauded as one of the Time magazine’s Top 100 Design Influencers—often snaps well-dressed denizens throughout New York and Europe, and posts thoughtful, interesting photos. You won’t bait Schuman by by wearing wild outfits or head to-toe labels—his subjects tend to be rather restrained and organically stylish.
sart3 The Best Street Style Blogs: 25 Inspiring Sites to Bookmark Now
Photo via The Sartorialist

2. Street Peeper

One of the most influential street style photographers, Phil Oh’s site features a perfect blend of the street style “in crowd” (Elena Perminova, Miroslava Duma, Susie Bubble, Elisa Nalin, etc) and lesser-know but equally as captivating people throughout New York, Paris, London, Sydney and Milan.
streetpeeper The Best Street Style Blogs: 25 Inspiring Sites to Bookmark Now
Photo via Street Peeper

3. Stockholm Street Style

A packed-to-capacity street blog featuring young, attractive, and amazingly well-dressed folks from Stockholm and beyond.
stockholm The Best Street Style Blogs: 25 Inspiring Sites to Bookmark Now
Photo via Stockholm Street Style

4. Le 21ème

Photographer Adam Katz Sinding has made it clear that this is not your average street style blog, but rather a photo-journalistic view into the daily world of fashion from cities and Fashion Weeks around the world. All true, and the original images are captivating, high-quality, and inspiring.
 The Best Street Style Blogs: 25 Inspiring Sites to Bookmark Now
Photo via Le 21ème/Adam Katz Sinding

5. Altamira

A blog specifically dedicated to images of models off duty.
 The Best Street Style Blogs: 25 Inspiring Sites to Bookmark Now
Photo via Altamira

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